Good Laboratory Practice services
Laboratory of Physico-Chemical Testing has been accredited in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 since 2008. According to this standard, quality control of row materials, packaging and final plant protection products is carried out in our laboratory.
In addition to this, the laboratory also has a certificate for the implementation of GLP testing for the purpose of product registration, in accordance with Good Laboratory Practice. The certificate was obtained in 2016 by the foreign accreditation body.
The laboratory is capable to carry out testing of technical materials through 5-batch analysis. This involves the preparation of a complete analytical batch profile - identification and determination of the active substance content, as well as relevant and significant impurities, through the following:
- Screening of impurities,
- Method development and validation,
- Active ingredient content,
- Impurities content,
- Water content,
- Spectrophotometric characterization.
The laboratory conducts analysis in compliance with EU Regulations and Guidelines (OECD, CIPAC, SANCO, FAO, etc.)
Liquid Chromatography
- High Performance Liquid Chromatographs (HPLC) - Agilent 1200 series
- Liquid Chromatograph with a Mass Detector (LCMS/MS) - Agilent LCMS/MS (HPLC 1260 INFINITY, 6460 TRIPLE QUAD LC/MS)
Gas Chromatography
- Gas Chromatographs with Flame Ionisation detection (GC-FID) - 7890A (Agilent)
- Gas Chromatograph with Mass Selective detection (GCMS) - GC 7890A, MSD 5975C (Agilent)
- Fourier Transform Infra Red Spectrometer (FTIR) - Nicolet iS 10 (Thermo Scientific)
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (NMR) - Picospin 45 NMR (Thermo Scientific)
- UV/VIS Spectrophotometer, Lambda 25 (Perkin Elmer)
- Automatic titrator (Metrohm) with units (798 MPT Titrino, 703 TI Stand)
The facility is in accordance with the requirements for this kind of tests with enough space and controlled conditions. Beside central room, and separate rooms for different techniques, there is also storage for chemicals and separate archive.
Over sixty years of experience in the pesticide industry, competent staff, modern equipment, laboratory business oriented to the client, guarantees high quality of service at favorable conditions.
In order to confirm competence, the laboratory participates in inter-laboratory comparisons (PT schemes), comparing the results of laboratories around the world. In order to ensure and maintain the required level of work quality in the laboratory, in addition to the testing itself, a number of other activities are carried out, for example, internal control in the laboratory, regular inspections of equipment, training and continuous improvement of employees, securing and monitoring the necessary conditions, etc.
Laboratory of Physico-Chemical Testing is the first GLP laboratory for pesticides in Serbia, and also in region. Our main goal is to further develop and invest in field of GLP testing of plant protection products, with strategic aim to become recognized laboratory in region.
Beside the certificate, a verification of competence for implementation of GLP tests are also the GLP studies that we have already realized, for domestic and foreign sponsors as well. Our laboratory reports have been submitted to the EU regulatory bodies in the process of registration of plant protection products.
Contact us:
Mrs Tanja Stanic, Head of Laboratory
- GSM: +381 63 457 721
- Phone: +381 11 30 72 337
- E-mail: stanic@fitofarmacija.rs
Mrs Aleksandra Gabaldo, Quality Department Director
- GSM: +381 63 457 376
- Phone: +381 11 30 72 309
- E-mail: gabaldo@fitofarmacija.rs